Beware of "precocious puberty" 6 food children should eat less

"Inherent deficiency," some parents now worry that their baby will fall, so they will become more and more sophisticated and make it more and more advanced. However, pediatric endocrinologists believe that children should not be tonic, because many children are precocious It is eaten.

Experts pointed out that the following common "high hormone" foods should be given to children as little as possible:

Poultry neck

Most of the current poultry are “premature”, while the residual “harvesting agent” in poultry meat is mainly concentrated in the glands of the head and neck parts of poultry. Therefore, eating necks of chickens, ducks, and geese for a long time becomes a “promotion”. "Precocious puberty" high-risk behavior.

Anti-seasonal fruit

In winter, strawberries, watermelons, grapes, tomatoes, etc., pears, apples, peaches, and oranges that were listed in advance in the late spring were almost all matured with the help of the “cook ripeners”, so they should also be avoided. edible.

Fried food

High calories will be converted into excess fat in children, causing endocrine disorders, leading to precocious puberty; and cooking oil is heated repeatedly to make it oxidative degeneration, which is one of the causes of "precocious puberty".

Oral nutrition solution

Some oral medicines contain hormones. After taking the children, they are taller and stronger than their children at the age of five or six. When the child enters the normal development stage, it does not grow. Therefore, you should not blindly buy oral rehydration fluids for your child in the market.


Nowadays, there are many brands of bovine colostrum on the market and they have been advertised to improve the immunity of infants and young children. Many mothers who feel distressed are buying it for their children. In fact, bovine colostrum is the milk of the first week of the bovine mother who has just finished giving birth. The gonadotropin content is extremely high. It may be no problem for infants and young children, but for children who are close to puberty, their bodies are more sensitive. It is easy to enter into puberty early in large quantities.

Improper soup method

If the viscera of the animal is licked even if the soup is simmered, hormone-containing substances such as thyroid glands and gonads will be precipitated and consumed in the body through meals. Therefore, the broth of children should be placed in soups for children.


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