How to prevent white corn seedlings

Occurs in the corn field, white seedlings often appear at the seedling stage, which is caused by zinc deficiency. Generally from the corn 4 leaf stage, the leaf color at the base of the new leaf becomes pale yellowish white. At the 5-6 leaf stage, yellowish and light green stripes appear between the 1st and 3rd leaves of the heart, but the veins are still green and the purple stripes appear at the base. After 10 to 15 days, the purple color gradually turns yellow-white, and the leaves lose weight. White seedlings. When serious, the whole field is white. Zinc-deficient corn plants are dwarf, with short internodes, overlapping leaf pillows, and slow-growing hearts, which look flat. Prevention and application of basic fertilizer: organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizers, rational fertilization, organic fertilizer must fully decomposed and harmless treatment. About 2,500 kilograms of high-quality organic fertilizer is applied per acre, and about 1.5 kilograms of zinc sulfate is mixed (combined with organic fertilizer), combined with soil preparation, and applied to the soil as base fertilizer. Zinc Fertilizer Seed Dressing: 20 to 40 grams of zinc sulfate per kilogram of corn seed can be mixed. When dressing, first dissolve the fertilizer with a little water, spray it on the seeds, mix well, and then dry the seeds for sowing. Scientific top dressing: mainly outside the root dressing, this is a good way to make up the application of zinc fertilizer after the white seedlings are found. Per acre spray concentration of 0.1% ~ 0.2% of zinc sulfate solution 40 ~ 50 kg, starting from the time of corn jointing, spray once every 10 to 15 days, and even spray 2 or 3 times, the effect is more obvious.

Ganoderma Capsule (Reishi Capsule/Lingzhi capsule) is made of USDA certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder. The Ganoderma used for this product is 100% organic and comes from our self-built Ganoderma farm, which has acquired 4 organic certificates from China, Japan, the US and the EU. During the cultivation process, not any pesticide, herbicide, or chemical fertilizer was used at all. The capsule shell we used is called Vcap vegetable capsule shell which is made of 100% plant fiber and is more stable and safer compared to regular gelatin capsule. GANOHERB guarantees that all of our product do not contain any additive, hormone, or chemically synthesized matter.


The Ganoderma spore powder inside the capsule is rich in Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides and triterpenes, which help enhance overall immunity, preventing diseases and infections. In order to make the nutrients inside can be easily absorbed by human body and prevent oxidation at the same time, we use a patented technology called low temperature physical shell-breaking technology to break the cell wall of the spore powder. The wall-broken rate can reach as high as 99.5%.


Ganoderma Capsule

Ganoderma Capsule,Reishi Capsule,Reishi Mushroom Capsule,Ganoderma Lucidum Capsule,Herbal Capsule,Lingzhi Capsule

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